Wednesday, March 12, 2008

BYU Orchestra Reunion 2008

This past weekend I attended a BYU orchestra reunion held in honor of Dr. Clyn Barrus. I enjoyed myself very much as I got to talk to a lot of people that I never thought that I would see again. It was nice to see a lot of old friends. There was a rehearsal Friday afternoon and an alumni dinner in the Skyroom Friday night. The dinner was a nice event(though the food was somewhat subpar) as it gave everyone a nice setting in which to chat and catch up. There was a powerpoint presentation of photos from past chamber tours and Dr. Barrus' widow shared some somber thoughts with us. All in all a very nice evening.

Saturday afternoon was 'Trafalga' time as alumni could take their families to something that all would be entertained by. Berk & I entertained ourselves with a round of 'speed golf,' which mostly consisted of exceedingly sloppy minature golf played at a much-too-high rate of speed. We amused ourselves thoroughly.

The reunion concluded Saturday night with a concert in which alumni joined with the current BYU chamber orchestra. On the program(at least the part that the alumni joined in on) was
Appalachian Spring by Copland and The Emperor Waltzes by Strauss. There was a reception afterwards.

It was a wonderful experience.

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