Sunday, June 20, 2010

My Dad

It was a particularly poigniant father's day for me this year due to his passing 21 days ago. Has it really been 3 weeks? Time can be both infuriating and fleeting, something of a paradox. A year can seem like a day and a day can seem like a year.

I was visiting my mother in Arkansas this weekend. It was nice to see & take care of her. Somewhat less enjoyable was going through some of Dad's things, most of which were uniquely his. A roman sword, confederate money, a BYU watch, a couple of papreweights, a 1984 BYU national championship banner - all things that reflected a portion of who he was.

One of my earliest memories of my father was when I was about 4 or 5. Dad took me to an airfield several hours away to look at the vintage aircraft, another hobby of his. I remember mother gave me spending money before we left: $1, all in dimes. I spent it on donuts, if I recall correctly. He took several pictures of me with the aircraft in the background and had someone else take one with the both of us, I think.

Dad's service in the church was unparalleled. He was 100% active and went at it with all his might all of the time. I remember when he was Elder's Quorum president the Magnolia ward had 86% hometeaching, the highest in the stake. Not so much because of his motivational skills but because he did most of it himself, spending 2-3 hours some Sundays visiting with families. This was after 3 hours of church and any meetings that went with his callings. He would never just skip anything. It was something that I didn't appreciate at the time but that I do now.

Also memorable were the many Saturdays that Dad & I spent remodeling the old house on Height st. We took one bathroom out, put another one in, nailed many sheets of paneling onto the walls, put up additional walls, and did quite a bit of ad hoc plumbing. He had no training in any of these things but got through all of the projects through sheer will & determination. Again, I didn't really enjoy these things at the time but I still use the confidence & skills that I acquired on those Saturday mornings.

Dad & I had our disagreements from time to time, mostly during my teenage years, but I never once doubted that he loved me. Some complain that their father never told them how he felt. Not my Dad. He would tell me almost daily. He was wonderful that way. And he spent plenty of time with me at church functions, family vacations, father/son outings, and just talking in the car sometimes. He and Mom were also regular fixtures at my band concerts.

His life serves as testament that some things in life are worth pursuing with a clear mind and an unwavering, unending effort.

I miss him very much.