We sighted this one while we were visiting my parents in Magnolia, AR(population just under 11K). We were just out one day on the highway that runs along the east side of town:
I thought that the rocket look was a nice touch.
This is the kind of thing that causes you to crane your neck around after you've passed it(and hopefully not have a wreck in the process) which is exactly what I did. Later, I went back and took some photos. I met George Black, the gentleman who built it, and had a very nice conversation with him. He said that it was 87 feet long and the longest trail mounted grill in the world. Here's a webpage that explains it more fully.
Anyhow, I took some pictures of that one as well as some of the many others that he had built.
This one has a metal hogshead mounted on the front. It shoots steam out of its nostrils when a button is pushed inside(Mr. Black performs the task here).
It had never occured to me that someone could/would make grills in so many shapes and sizes.
This is one that he made out of a riding lawnmower
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