Every fall a group of us who went through the music program at BYU in the early to mid 90's, get together in Provo for a weekend to remisice and just enjoy each other's company. Usually we have a dinner party on Friday and on Saturday go to Brick Oven(a local pizza place) as well as attend a BYU football home game. I came in from Texas, another came from LA, and another drove in from Colorado. The rest live in the Provo/SLC area. It turned out really well this year(the weekend of Oct 15th) as people came this time that I hadn't seen in quite a while. It was nice visiting with everybody.
This is the fifth consecutive year that we've done this.
Here are some pictures:
Friday's Dinner
Brick Oven
The Game
The BYU Marching Band
Curtis Brown hits the hole
Curtis Brown off right tackle...Touchdown BYU!
Well, there you have it. It was a lot of fun and great seeing everyone again.
BTW, BYU defeated CSU(Colorado State) 24-14.
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